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AI = Burritos + Sex | The Summary of All Tech Innovation

AI is our top non-living assistant, making it easier to enjoy life's pleasures.
Written by
Roy Keely
Published on
February 29, 2024

The evolution of the human race always comes back to the following tenets:

  • Consuming calories
  • Conserving calories
  • Passing along genetic code

With those points in mind, I present a simple, proper definition of technology -

‘The use of non-life to enhance life’,

It is with this definition of technology that all invention makes sense in the evolutionary timeline. The automobile? Non-life-enhancing life. CT scans? Non-life-enhancing life. Smart devices? Non-life-enhancing life.

Artificial Intelligence? Non-life-enhancing life.

Let me explain.

AI is the result of millions of inventions that came before it…dating back to fire…where it all started.

So, how do burritos and sex have anything to do with AI?

Before we get there, let’s look at the story of the bike.

I asked AI for the story, read more here:

Bikes empowered people from different income levels to travel more freely, allowing them to meet people from different villages with greater efficiency.

How do bikes help, in the end, pass along your genetic code?

  • You can get your crop more efficiently to market now giving you the capital to go and do more.
  • Biking is less labor intensive than walking or running, thus helps you conserve calories…which makes you need to consume less…which requires less capital.
  • The more capital one has, the more attractive you are for suitors. Transportation allows you to meet people from different genetic pools and pass your traits on to a new set of people. Might allow you to get out of the watchful eye of the village more easily and frolic a bit more… You get the point.

Let’s break down that same concept with AI….

How does AI, in the end, pass along your genetic code?

  • AI enables you to accomplish more with the same caloric output.
  • This then enables you to accumulate more capital, thus consuming more calories.
  • Having accumulated more capital studies show you are more attractive to a potential mate because that represents the ability to take care of offspring.

And there you have it.

_____ is the mother of all invention?

Per Plato, it’s a necessity. This is another way of saying mother nature.

So what about burritos? Glad you asked. If you are going to consume calories clearly the best answer for those calories should be burritos!

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